While waiting for a ERP…

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Are you currently migrating your ERP system? Would you like to replace it with another? Are you in the middle of an implementation project?WLineS

You most likely are! And you are not the only one…

The challenges
In addition to being complete and advanced, the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages are now virtually inevitable. When properly implemented, they can increase your enterprise’s performance and profitability.

Sadly, stories of successful implementations within pre-defined budgets and timelines are rare,

Several studies have shown that in 50% of the ERP projects:

  • There are cost overruns
  • The time frames are not met
  • Less than 50% of the original goals/benefits are met

Benefits  and drawbacks

When an implementation is successful, the conclusion will often be that the new ERP increases the quality of the data, financial management, cost control, etc. The improvements essentially affect internal data and processes.

For the sales and marketing departments, and even for the enterprise’s clients, the short term impacts are often negative and can last a few days or even many years in certain cases.

What is the alternative?
It is possible to improve your information systems and avoid the negative impacts. Many tools exist to help you efficiently manage your sales and still provide a quality customer service:

  • Sales dashboard and analysis
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Client relations management (CRM)
  • Mobile tools for your sales force
  • Demand forecasting software
  • Etc.

These tools will positively impact your sales and can be implemented right away. They will connect to your current software and adapt to your new ERP system if you eventually change it.

You’ve most certainly heard one too many times: “Sorry we can’t do it right now, we must implement our new system first”. Clients and sales and marketing teams have the right to ask for a different answer.

Set yourself apart and think out of the box: don’t lose opportunities while waiting for a ERP!



ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) is a software package centralizing data and enterprise management functions. An ERP system has multiple modules, each corresponding to a different function of the enterprise. Financial and accounting, production, sales, purchasing, inventory and human resources  management. The shared data is centralized and the interfaces are standardized. (Translation of an extract from the book “Le bon usage des technologies expliqué au manager” © Editions Organisation).

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